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NF C61-314法国插头插座量规一览表

2015/9/16 21:05:06      点击:
序号 图号 描述
1 NFC613-14/C1 Pour verifier l’impossibilite de l’introduction d’une seule broche des fiches
2 NFC613-14/C2 Pour verifier les dimensions des orifices d’entree des broches des fiches
3 NFC613-14/C3A. B.C Pour verifier la distance jusqu’an preminer point de contact
16A (5.45/5.6/5.75)
5 NFC613-14/C4A Pour verifier la force minimale d’extraction
6A (3.94/150g)
7 NFC613-14/C4B 16A (3.8/400g)
16A (3.8/200g)
9 NFC613-14/C4C 16A (4.6/400g)
16A (4.6/200g)
11 NFC613-14/C5 Pour verifier l’introduction des fiches bipolaires 16A
13 NFC613-14/C6 Pour verifier l’ouverture maximale de l’alveole de la feuille de norme v
14 NFC613-14/C7A. B Pour verifier l’entraxe des broches 16A
序号 图号 描述
1 SE 1 10/16A 250V two-pole socket-outlets SE 1 for size of entry holes for plug pins
2 SE 2 10/16A 250V two-pole socket-outlets and two-pole plugs with pin-type earthing-contact SE 2 for minimum opening of contact tubes
3 SE 3 10/16A 250V two-pole socket-outlets Gauge c3 for acceptance of two-pole plugs
4 SE 4 10/16A 250V two-pole socket-outlets with side earthing-contacts SE 4 for acceptance of two-pole plugs with side earthing contacts
5 SE 6A.B 10/16A 250V two-pole fixed socket-outlets SE 6 for fixing holes or slots
6 SE 7A.B.C.D 10/16A 250V two-pole socket-outlets Gauges c7 for distance to point of first contact
7 SE 8 10/16A 250V two-pole socket-outlets SE 8 for wiring channel
8 SE 9A.B 2.5A 250V and 10/16A250V two-pole plugs and 10/16A 250V two-pole socket-outlets with pin-type earthing-contact SE 9 for pin diameter
9 SE 10A.B 10/16A 250Vtwo-pole plugs SE 10 for pin spacing
10 SE 11 10/16A 250V two-pole socket-outlets and two-pole plugs with pin-type earthing-contact SE 11 for maximum opening of contact tubes
11 SE 12 10/16A 250V two-pole plugs with side earthing-contacts SE 12 for interchangeability
12 SE 13 2.5A 250V two-pole plugs for class ii appliances Gauge for interchangeability
13 SE 15 10/16A 250V two-pole plugs without earthing contact Gauge for non-interchangeability with two-pole plugs with earthing contact
14 SE 16 10/16A 250V two-pole socket-outlets with side earthing-contacts Gauge for non-acceptance of two-pole plugs without earthing contact
15 SE 18 10/16A 250V two-pole socket-outlets without earthing contact Gauge for checking impossibility of single-pole insertion of plugs
16 SE 19A.B 2.5A 250V and 10/16A 250V two-pole plugs Gauges for checking impossibility of single-pole insertion of plugs into socket-outlets
17 SE 19a 2.5A 250V and 10/16A 250V two-pole plugs Gauges for checking impossibility of single-pole insertion of plugs into socket-outlets
18 SE 21 Device for checking the resistance to lateral strain of 10/16A 250V two-pole fixed socket-outlets
19 SE 23 Device for measuring the contact pressure of earthing contacts of 10/16A 250V two-pole socket-outlets with side earthing-contacts
20 SE 24 Apparatus for breaking capacity and normal operation tests
21 SE 25 Circuit diagrams for breaking capacity and normal operation tests
22 SE 26 Apparatus for checking the withdrawal force
23 IEC 60884-Fig9 Gauge for checking non-accessibility of live parts, through shutters

IEC 60884-Fig10

Gauge for checking non-accessibility of live parts, through shutters and of live parts of socket-outlets with increased protection